Friday, April 29, 2011

Quick Post.

Hello! Kinda bored right now so I figured I would post something. Been hunting a lot lately, I'm really bored of GP, so I try to go out to different places to get drops and EXP. I went to check out the EXP at ship grave but I wasn't very impressed. However, I did get a chance to hunt some of those underwater bosses. I suppose no one kills them because this was in 1 hour, maybe double spawns I guess. Trying to save up money lately.

Also, killed Antharas a few days ago and it had the best drop I've seen yet from him. Also, I've been trying to capture the effect of the debuff that stops you from going to dragon again for three days, and I finally got it. That's all for now, goodluck to everyone, hope everything is well =). 



  1. You have evoked the love of Vorpal with this post, as it includes pornographic images yet unseen to Vorpal. And Vorpal loves pornographic images.

    Too bad Antharas doesn't drop his winky. It could make quite a weapon.
