Tuesday, January 25, 2011


v_v. The last time I played this game regularly on forge was about 2 years ago, and so many things have changed since then. I got bored today so I decided to see if I could find the LOA only bosses, and I found Garundur along with Demon, so I figured I should keep looking. I read a lot of blogs with cooler bosses than this :P But I was surprised I was able to find all of this in 1 hour.

Next picture is the other things and funny things o.o.. My super best friend was making a joke about why my Panda was leveling up slow -.-.. Seems like Hatchling Female is leveling super speed, so I asked GM for some 250% candies I can feed my panda... but I don't think GM likes me very much. Anyway.. Panda is like level 24 25% whereas Hatchling Female is level 26 50% already... Oh yeah and I leveled up Illusionist.

That's all for now! Thanks for all the friendly whisper about blog =.= I'm kinda rusty but trying to to better! Goodluck to all and Enjoy game!!


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